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The history of ancient civilizations is full of captivating mysteries, but few are as intriguing as the legends surrounding ancient fish-people. These aquatic beings, which appear in various mythologies across the globe, have sparked countless debates about their origins and possible connections to extraterrestrial life.

Ancient texts from civilizations like Mesopotamia and Greece frequently depict beings with both human and fish-like characteristics. In the Babylonian creation myth, Oannes, a half-fish, half-man figure, is said to have emerged from the Persian Gulf to impart knowledge to early humans. Similarly, Greek mythology introduces Triton, the messenger of the sea, with a human upper body and the tail of a . These figures weren’t merely seen as curiosities or freaks of nature; they were often revered as powerful deities or intermediaries between the heavens and the earth.

As scholars dove deeper into these myths, they began to wonder: Could these stories point to something beyond human imagination? Some theorists suggest that the fish-people could have been representations of an extraterrestrial species that visited Earth thousands of years ago, using water as their habitat. This theory draws parallels to modern-day UFO sightings, which often occur near large bodies of water. The idea is that these ancient beings may have come from a water-dominated planet or used Earth’s oceans as a temporary base for their exploration.

Another compelling angle lies in the advanced knowledge these beings were said to have shared. Oannes, for instance, is credited with teaching humans mathematics, architecture, and astronomy—far ahead of his time. Could such wisdom have been the result of interactions with an advanced alien race? Many proponents of the ancient astronaut theory believe so, arguing that these mythological figures are coded references to real beings with extraordinary capabilities.

Physical evidence, too, plays a role in this debate. Strange underwater structures, such as the Yonaguni Monument off the coast of Japan, have led some to speculate that ancient civilizations could have been assisted by, or coexisted with, aquatic extraterrestrial beings. These submerged formations, which appear to be man-made, may offer clues to the existence of a lost race that thrived beneath the waves—perhaps even one connected to the fish-people of legend.

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