The storyline revolves around Lee, an American expatriate portrayed by Craig, who becomes infatuated with a younger man played by Starkey, leading to a passionate romantic relationship.
Critics have lauded the film, which currently holds a 78 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes, though the audience score is notably lower at 58 percent.
While opinions may vary, one aspect that caught viewers’ attention was Starkey’s prosthetic penis.
In one scene, Craig’s character visits Starkey’s character at his home, only to find him completely nude.
Social media users pointed out the noticeable shine, suggesting the prosthetic was clearly not real. As one commenter put it, “It’s giving ‘I’m a big bright star’.”
In an interview with TIME Magazine, both Starkey and Craig discussed their decision not to appear fully nude, with Starkey confirming he wore a prosthetic.
Fans took to Twitter to express their reactions to Starkey’s fake appendage, with one writing: “That Drew Starkey prosthetic in Queer is f***ing insane looking I’m crying real tears rn.”
Another commented: “Drew Starkey’s prosthetic my f***ing god I’m in tears,” while others noted its apparent artificiality.
Given the film’s LGBTQ+ theme, Craig’s portrayal of a gay character is significant, especially considering his iconic role as James Bond. Co-star Omar Apollo emphasized the importance of this representation in Queer.
Apollo told TIME, “For a movie like this to come out right now with Daniel Craig, who’s James Bond, and this masculine symbol—I think is so important.”
Craig himself was intrigued by the “artifice of masculinity,” stating, “The way in is to think about the way men are perceived and how they can present themselves.”
His objective was to accurately portray this complexity, saying, “The complexity of sexuality is way beyond my understanding—it’s more individual than a thumbprint.”